Paper Publications
- 杜艺,sangshuxun.超临界CO2注入煤岩的地球化学效应响应研究,2018,46;3;
- hansijie,sangshuxun.Characteristics and genesis of diachronous Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences: insights from geochemistry, petrology and U–Pb dating in the North Junggar basin, China,2018,2018;2018;
- 杜艺,sangshuxun.Dissolution of illite in ScCO2 saturated water: Implications for clayey caprock stability in CO2 geological storage,2018,51;1;
- 杜艺,sangshuxun.Experimental study of the reactions of supercritical CO2 and minerals in high-rank coal under formation conditions,2018,32;2;
- 方辉煌,sangshuxun,wangjilin,Liu Shiqi,juwei.Simulation of paleotectonic stress fields and distribution prediction of tectonic fractures at the Hudi Coal Mine, Qinshui Basin,2017,91;6;
- 贾金龙,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi.Study on the fracture characteristics of thick-hard limestone roof and its controlling technique,2017,76;0;605
- 贾金龙,sangshuxun.Characteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and its pool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,2017,38;2;
- 贾金龙,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi.Characteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and its pool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression Bohai Bay Basin, China,2017,38;2;141-155
- 王恬,sangshuxun.基于数值模拟的深部煤层CO2-ECBM分析,2016
- 方辉煌,sangshuxun.煤岩液氮吸附孔隙分析特征的瓦斯放散特性意义-以淮北许疃矿为例,2016