[61] 秦云,倪国栋.代建单位项目管理能力评价指标体系的构建研究,2013,1;1;
[62] 倪国栋.基于知识管理和组织学习的代建绩效改善研究,2012
[63] 倪国栋.工程管理专业建筑施工类课程教学改革探讨,2012
[64] 倪国栋.代建企业知识管理框架研究,2010
[65] 倪国栋.政府投资项目代建单位绩效改善研究,2010
[66] 倪国栋.提高土木工程施工课程教学质量的举措探讨,2010
[67] 倪国栋.基于模糊层次分析法的代建单位风险评价研究,2010
[68] 倪国栋.土木工程施工课程教学改革探讨,2010
[69] 倪国栋.Research on the Knowledge Management System of the Vicarious Management Corporation,2010
[70] 倪国栋.Research on the Risk Assessment Method of Vicarious Management Corporation Based on the Fuzzy AHP Method,2010
[71] 倪国栋.Design about the Operating Mechanisms of the Vicarious Management Corporation based on the Virtual Project Management Organization,2010
[72] 倪国栋.刍议我国政府投资项目管理,2009