Paper Publications
- 武佳旺,薄文婷,miaozhenyong,wankeji.Chemical species of Ge/W/Ga in lignite and their enrichment in thermal treatment,2024,v 358,
- 薛舒文,miaozhenyong,gaomingqiang,wankeji.Structural analysis of lignite-derived humic acid and its microscopic interactions with heavy metal ions in aqueous solution,2023,v 897,
- 高明强,李欣源,miaozhenyong,wankeji,HQQ,薛舒文.Surface properties of oxidized lignite and its application in congo red dye adsorption,2021
- 薛舒文,肖雅文,王国强,范津津,万克记,贺琼琼,高明强,苗真勇.Adsorption of heavy metals in water by modifying Fe3O4 nanoparticles with oxidized humic acid,2021,卷: 616
- miaozhenyong,高明强,wankeji,裴震,heqiongqiong,姬鹏超,Bai, Lei.Modification of Zhaotong Lignite by Steam Explosion Treatment: Pore Structure and Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups,2019,v 33,n 5,p4033-4040
- miaozhenyong,陈景鹏,heqiongqiong,万永江,wankeji,高明强.Experimental study of thermal fragmentation of lignite in drying process,2019,v 37,n 13,p1731-1742
- 万克记,miaozhenyong.Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Temperature, Moisture, and Physical Structure Variations on the Thermal Properties of Lignite,2017,31;7;7052-7059
- miaozhenyong,贺琼琼.Drying Kinetics of Soft and Hard Lignite and the Surface Characteristics of Products,2017,31;3;
- 万克记,miaozhenyong.Water desorption isotherms and net isosteric heat of desorption on lignite,2016,171;10;101-107
- 贺琼琼,miaozhenyong.A comparison of acid treatment in the dewatering of Chinese and Australian lignites by mechanical thermal expression at high temperatures,2016,144;144;282-289