Paper Publications
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- Lingyun Mi,乔丽洁,甘晓莉,许婷,LYU TAO,Yaning Qiao,丁超琼.Assessing the effect of non-financial information intervention on promoting group-level energy savings,2020,2020,720(6) ,137533.
- Lingyun Mi,许婷,甘晓莉,陈红,乔丽洁,朱瀚霖.How to Motivate Employees’ Environmental Citizenship Behavior through Perceived Interpersonal Circle Power? A New Perspective from Chinese Circle Culture,2019, 2019 11(17), 4549.
- Lingyun Mi,甘晓莉,许婷,龙如银,乔丽洁,朱瀚霖.A new perspective to promote organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: The role of transformational leadership,2019,239 (2019) 118002,1-11
- Lingyun Mi,丛金秋,丁超琼,乔丽洁,许婷.城市居民低碳行为认知失调的成因——“知识—行为”的双中介模型,2019,2019年05期:908-918,11
- Lingyun Mi,丁超琼,杨洁,俞学燕,丛金秋,朱瀚霖,Qingyan Liu.Using goal and contrast feedback to motivate Chinese urban families to save electricity actively d A randomized controlled field trial,2019,2019 226(7),443-453
- Lingyun Mi,朱瀚霖,杨洁,甘晓莉,许婷,乔丽洁,Qingyan Liu.A new perspective to promote low-carbon consumption: The influence of reference groups,2019,2019,161(7),100-108
- Lingyun Mi,王文顺,俞学燕,丛金秋.基于MBA学员视角的案例教学效果影响因素实证研究,2018,2018年11期:139-144,6
- Lingyun Mi,芦金文.文化取向、环境信念与生态消费行为——基于人口特征差异的比较分析,2018,2018年04期:54-66+87,14
- Lingyun Mi,俞学燕,杨洁,芦金文.Influence of Conspicuous Consumption Motivation on High-Carbon Consumption Behavior of Residents——An empirical case study of Jiangsu province, China,2018,191;2018(4);167-178
- Lingyun Mi,俞学燕,杨洁.知识型消费者新能源汽车购买行为的影响因素——基于扎根理论的探索性研究,2018,4;4;19-26