Lingyun Mi

Personal Information

Personal Information

  • E-Mail:

  • School/Department:

    China University of Mining and Technology
  • Administrative Position:

    Associate Chair, Department of OB
  • Education Level:

    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:

    Office A431, School of Economics and Management
  • Contact Information:
  • Degree:

  • Professional Title:

  • Academic Titles:

    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Other Post:

    Deputy Director of the Chinese Marketing Association of Universities
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Teacher College:

    School of Economics and Management

Other Contact Information





Lingyun Mi, Ph.D. in Management, is now a Professor in the School of Economics and Management at China University of Mining and Technology. She is the Associate Chair of the Department of Organizational and Behavioral Sciences, deputy director of the Chinese Marketing Association of Universities (CMAU), and a member of the International Academy of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). She has long been engaged in research, teaching, and management training in the fields of management psychology and behavioral science, green consumption and pro-environmental behavior, low-carbon development theory, methods and policies, group behavior and human resource management. She enjoys learning and working together with her students as a teacher as well as a friend.

Scientific Research

As the project leader, she has presided over 10 key projects, including 3 projects of National Social Science Fund of China, 2 of the Ministry of education of Humanities and Social Science, Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Science, Key Project of Social Science Application Excellence, and Key Project of Postgraduate Education Reform in Jiangsu Province. She has published two academic monographs. In recent years, she has published more than 40 papers as the first author in journals of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Ecological Economics, Sustainable Development, Journal of Environmental Management, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment, Energy, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Management Review (Chinese journal), Resource Science(Chinese journal), and other high-level academic journals at home and abroad. Among them, 16 papers in SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1 & Q2 journals (12 in TOP journals), 10 papers in CSSCI journals (FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese TOP Journal)). She won two second prizes for scientific research achievements in higher education in Jiangsu Province and one third prize for soft science achievements in Jiangsu Province.

At the same time, she serves as a reviewer in more than 10 international SSCI & SCI Q1 journals, such as Energy Economics, Transportation Research Part E, Resources Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, Current Psychology, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Psychology, as well as Chinese CSSCI journals, including China population, resources and environment, Resource Science, Geographical Research, Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences edition), and Journal of Natural Resources.


Lingyun Mi has taught a wide range of courses at CUMT at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including the core main course “Organizational Behavior” for students of EMBA, CCBA and general MBA; the graduate course “Modern Management Theory”; the undergraduate professional foundation courses “Organizational Behavior and Management”, and the professional optional course “Speech and Eloquence”.

She has received 15 teaching awards at the university level and 18 at the college level from CUMT. As the project leader, she has presided over and completed one key project of provincial-level educational reform and three school-level educational reform projects, edited three textbooks. She has published 12 teaching research papers as the first author and corresponding author. 3 of them are core journals of education and 4 of them are provincial level journals.


Lingyun Mi undertakes various training tasks arranged by the college and has long been engaged in the training of senior management of enterprises and institutions. She has taught “Organizational Behavior” and related special courses for more than 30 enterprises and institutions, such as the professional manager training course in coal industry, business administration course, Bank of China Xuzhou Branch, Construction Bank Xuzhou Branch, XCMG, Jiali Group, Shangqiu Land Bureau, Xiaoxian District Tax Bureau, China Coal Group, Anhui Coal Group, Huabei Coal Mine, Yonggu Coal Mine, Xinji Coal Mine, XCMG and other senior manager training courses. The teaching effect has been well received.

Research Field

        (1) Management Psychology and Behavioral Science

        (2) Green Consumption and Pro-environmental Behavior Management

        (3) Low Carbon Development Theory, Methodology and Policy

        (4) Resource and Environmental Psychology and Behavioral Decision Making

        (5) Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

Admissions Majors

Ph.D.: Management Science and Engineering

Academic Master: Management Science and Engineering (main discipline), Business Administration (business management, technology economics, etc.)

Professional Master: Business Administration (MBA), Engineering Management (including project management, industrial engineering and management, logistics engineering and management)

Effectiveness of Postgraduate Cultivation

In the past three years, five postgraduates were awarded national scholarships, five were awarded university-level outstanding students, two were awarded university-level outstanding master's thesis of CUMT, two were awarded university-level outstanding graduates, five won the third prize of national competition, three won the second prize of provincial competition, nine won the third prize of provincial competition, six won the second and third prizes of postgraduate academic forum papers, and all academic masters won the first-class academic scholarship.

We welcome students who are interested in psychology, behavioral science, system simulation, big data analysis and other research directions and have a solid academic style to apply and join the research team. All graduate students who are involved in research will be given a monthly stipend for research assistance and subsidize the travel expenses to and from home during winter and summer vacations; if they publish papers in Class C journals and above, they will be given an additional paper award and bear all the costs of the trial expenses, page expenses, English embellishment expenses and other expenses for the published papers; Students with difficult family conditions will be given a financial aid subsidy; If they participate in large domestic academic conferences, the research team will bear all the conference expenses, travel expenses and accommodation expenses and so on.

Research Projects

(1) National Social Science Fund Later Funding Project of China, "Research on multi-field collaborative driving mechanism of public green behavior under carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goal" (No. 22FGLB00, project leader)

(2) National Social Science Fund Later Funding Project of China, “Research on the multiple psychosocial approaches and mechanisms of public low-carbon lifestyle” (No. 19FGLB058, project leader)

(3) National Social Science Fund Project of China, “Research on the mechanism and optimization strategy of different policy tools on the decarbonization of residents’ energy consumption behavior” (No. 14BGL204, project leader)

(4) Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Later Foundation of China, “Research on the mechanism and effect of information intervention on urban residents' electricity saving behavior” (No. 18JHQ087, project leader)

(5) Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Foundation of China, “Research on urban residents' low-carbon energy consumption behavior and guiding policies” (No. 11YJCZH125, project leader)

(6) Key Projects of Philosophical and Social Science Research in Universities in Jiangsu Province, “Research on the cultivation and construction of ecological consumer culture in Jiangsu Province” (No. 2016ZDIXM035, project leader)

(7) Key Project of Social Science Application Excellence in Jiangsu Province, “Research on the promotion mechanism of beautiful Jiangsu for strengthening ecological and environmental governance” (No. 18SYA-1, project leader 6)

(8) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, “Research on social-psychological mechanism and policy optimization of public lifestyle greening” (No. 2019XKQYMS58, project leader)

(9) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, “Research on the psychosocial approaches and intervention policies of low-carbon public lifestyles” (No. 2020ZDPYSK06, project leader)

(10) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, “Research on policy intervention approaches for decarbonizing urban residents’ energy consumption behavior” (No. 2015WC02, project leader)

As a core member, Lingyun Mi has also participated in more than 20 projects including “Think Tank of Carbon Neutral and Energy Strategy”, “Think Tank of Energy Mining Economy”, major projects of National Social Science Fund of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China and projects commissioned by enterprises.

Published Academic Monographs

1. Mi Lingyun, “Policy Choice and Optimization of Low Carbonization of Resident Energy Consumption Behavior”, Science Press, published in October 2018, 350,000 words

2. Mi Lingyun, “Research on the Low-Carbon Energy Consumption Behavior of Urban Residents”, China University of Mining and Technology Press, published in January 2012, 250,000 words

Representative Academic Papers

[1] MI Lingyun, YANG Yang, LI Le, JIA Tianwen, LV Tao. Longitudinal experiment of the effects of coupling goal setting with commitment on group‑level energy‑saving behaviors[J]. China population, resources and environment, 2022, 32(7): 151-161. (CSSCI, IF=7.085, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese TOP Journal))

[2] Lingyun Mi, Xiaoli Gan, Yuhuan Sun et al. Effects of monetary and non-monetary interventions on energy conservation: A meta-analysis of experimental studies[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021,149.111342 (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, the #1 Journal in Green & Sustainable Science & Technology, IF=16.799, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) TOP Journal)

[3] Lingyun Mi, Jingjing Zhao, Ting Xu, et al., How does COVID-19 emergency cognition influence public pro-environmental behavioral intentions? An affective event perspective[J]. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 168:105467.(ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 13.716, CAS TOP Journal)

[4] Lingyun Mi,Ting Xu,Yuhuan Sun,et al., Promoting differentiated energy savings: Analysis of the psychological motivation of households with different energy consumption levels[J]. Energy, 2021, 218: 119563.(ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=8.857, CAS TOP journal

[5] Lingyun Mi, Ting Xu, Yuhuan Sun, et al., Playing Ant Forest to promote online green behavior: a new perspective of use and gratifications [J]. Journal of Environmental Management 278. (2021)111544 ISSN 0301-4797. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science Level B (International Journal), IF=8.91, CAS TOP Journal)

[6] Lingyun MiYuhuan Sun, Xiaoli Gan, Yang Yang, Tianwen Jia, Bangjun Wang and Ting Xu. Predicting environmental citizenship behavior in the workplace: a new perspective of environmental affective event[J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2021, 27(2037-2046). (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=8.92)

[7] Lingyun Mi, Tianwen Jia, Yang Yang, Lulu Jiang, Bangjun Wang*, Tao Lv, Le Li, Junfeng Cao. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Regional Ecological Civilization Policy: Evidence from Jiangsu Province, China[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2022, 19(1): 388. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=4.614)

[8] Lingyun Mi,Yuhuan Sun,Lijie Qiao,et al., Analysis of the Cause of Household Carbon Lock-In for Chinese Urban Households[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(4): 2201. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=4.614)

[9] Mi Lingyun, Ding Chaoqiong, Yu Xueyan, Cong Jinqiu, Qiao Lijie. Longitudinal Experimental Research of the Effects of Different Information Frameworks on Household Energy Saving Behaviors in Urban Areas [J], Management Comments, 2020, 32(5), 292-304. (CSSCI, A-grade journal of Ministry of Education and National Natural Science Foundation of China, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese T1 Journal))

[10] Lingyun Mi, Lijie Qiao, TingXu, et al., Promoting sustainable development: The impact of differences in cultural values on residents' pro-environmental behaviors [J]. Sustainable Development,(2020) ,10.1002/sd.2103. (ESI, SSCI, JCR Q1, IF=8.562, General Social Science TOP Journal)

[11] Lingyun Mi, Lijie Qiao, Xiaoli Gan, et al., Assessing the effect of non-financial information intervention on promoting group-level energy savings [J]. Science of The Total Environment,(2020),720(6),137533.ISSN 0048-9697. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=10.753,CAS TOP Journal)

[12] Lingyun Mi, Lijie Qiao, Songsong Du, et al., Evaluating the effect of eight customized information strategies on urban households’electricity saving: A field experiment in China [J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63(2020),102344. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=10.696, TOP Journal)

[13] Lingyun Mi, Yuhuan Sun, Xiaoli Gan, et al., Promoting Employee Green Behavior Through the Person-Organization Fit: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Distance[J]. Frontiers in Psychology,2020,11: 2280. (ESI, SSCI, JCR Q2, IF=4.232

[14] Lingyun Mi, HanlinZhu, Jie Yang et al., A new perspective to promote low-carbon consumption: The influence of reference groups[J]. Ecological Economics,2019,161(7),100-108. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=6.536, ABS three-star TOP journal, Top A-ranked journal in FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (International Journal), the #1 Journal in the field of Resource & Environmental Management)

[15] Lingyun Mi, Chaoqiong Ding, Jie Yang et al., Using goal and contrast feedback to motivate Chinese urban families to save electricity actively -- A randomized controlled field trial[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,226 (7) 443-453. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=11.072, CAS TOP Journal)

[16] Lingyun Mi, Xiaoli Gan, Ting Xu et al., A new perspective to promote organizational citizenship behaviour for the environment: The role of transformational leadership[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019, 239: 118002. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=11.072, CAS TOP Journal)

[17] Lingyun Mi, TingXu, Xiaoli Gan et al., How to Motivate Employees’ Environmental Citizenship Behavior through Perceived Interpersonal Circle Power? A New Perspective from Chinese Circle Culture[J]. Sustainability,2019,11(17): 4549. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q2)

[18] MI Lingyun, CONG Jinqiu, DING Chaoqiong, QIAO Lijjie, XU Ting. Why urban residents' deeds do not match their attitude? A dual mediation model of knowledge-behavior in low-carbon consumption [J], Resource Science, 2019, 41(5):908-918. (CSSCI, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese TOP Journal))

[19] Lingyun Mi, Xueyan Yu, Jie Yang et al., Influence of Conspicuous Consumption Motivation on High-Carbon Consumption Behavior of Residents——An empirical case study of Jiangsu province, China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,191(8):167-178. (ESI, SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, IF=11.072, CAS TOP Journal)

[20] MI Lingyun, LU Jinwen. Cultural Orientation, Environmental Beliefs and Ecological Consumption Behavior: A Comparative Analysis Based on Differences in Population Characteristics [J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Technology (Social Science Edition),2018,04:54-66. (CSSCI)

[21] MI Lingyun,YU Xueyan,YANG Jie. Factors influencing knowledge-based consumers' purchase behavior of new energy vehicles - an exploratory study based on rooting theory [J]. Business Economics,2018,04:19-26. (CSSCI)

[22] MI Lingyun, WANG Wenshun, YU Xueyan, CONG Jinqiu. An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Case Teaching Effect from MBA Students' Perspective. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research, 2018,04:139-144. (CSSCI, Education Core Journal)

[23] MI Lingyun, YU Xueyan, YANG Jie. Intervention Effects of Different Social Influence Approach on the Public's Energy Conservation Behavior一A Meta-analysis on 26 Field Trials [J]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Science Edition),2017,19(04):8-17. (CSSCI)

[24] MI Lingyun, YANG Jie. Evaluation of policy efficacy and effect of resident energy conservation based on policy quantification in China from 1996 to 2015[J]. Resources Science, 2017, 39(4):651-663. (CSSCI, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese TOP Journal))

[25] MI Lingyun, GU Man, YANG Jie, YU Xueyan, LIU Yue. Empirical research on the psychological motivation factors of urban residents' low carbon oriented energy consumption behavior in Xuzhou City[J]. Resource Science,2016,38(04):609-621. (CSSCI, FMS High Quality Journal of Management Science (Chinese TOP Journal))

[26] MI Lingyun, YANG Jie, YU Xueyan, DU Lele. Research on the Intervention Effect of Information Strategy on Residents' Energy Conservation Behavior- A Meta-analysis[J]. Soft Science,2016,30(04):89-92. (CSSCI)

Educational Experience

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Social Affiliations

  • Deputy Director of the Chinese Marketing Association of Universities (CMAU)

  • 中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程专委会常务委员

  • Member of the International Academy of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)

  • Director of Xuzhou Management Association

Name of Research Group:

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