Tian, He,Li Zhonghui,Rodriguez-Dono, Alfonso,Chaolin Zhang,yinshan,刘志,Zhang, Quancong,Hou, Xinyue.Research on the desorption law and multifractal characteristics of coal gas based on infrared radiation,2024,v 376,
Li, Xueli,Li Zhonghui,Lei, Yueyu,yinshan,Zang, Zesheng,Liu, Binglong.Infrared radiation precursor and energy dissipation properties of water-containing concrete under impact load,2024,v 435,
Zang, Zesheng,Li Zhonghui,Gu, Zhoujie,niuyue,yinshan,Kong, Xiangguo,张昕.The multi-dimensional joint response of the electric potential time鈥揻requency-field in the fracture process of flawed coal under dynamic load,2024,v 131,
李雪丽,Li Zhonghui,yinshan,雷跃宇,niuyue,田贺,songxiaoyan,张昕,臧泽升,娄全.Experimental study on infrared thermal response characteristics of water-bearing concrete under drop hammer impact,2023,v 135,
单天成,Li Zhonghui,周鑫,蔡超,田贺,丁增,张全聪,臧泽升,Ali, Muhammad.Experimental study on pressure stimulated current response characteristics during damage evolution of water-bearing coal samples,2023,卷: 82期: 4
田贺,Li Zhonghui,殷山,雷跃宇,niuyue,Wang Xinyu,臧泽升,顾周杰.Research on infrared radiation response and energy dissipation characteristics of sandstone crushing under impact load,2023,卷: 322
张昕,Li Zhonghui,wangenyuan,libaolin,宋晶晶,niuyue.Experimental investigation of pressure stimulated currents and acoustic emissions from sandstone and gabbro samples subjected to multi-stage uniaxial loading,2021,v 80,n 10,p7683-7700
Li Zhonghui , Chaolin Zhang,wangenyuan,liuxiaofei,刘贞堂,一种高温高压高应力耦合下煤与瓦斯延期突出试验方法
Li Zhonghui , wangenyuan,程富起,李学龙,魏洋,殷山,孔艳慧,刘帅杰,一种煤岩深部电位的测量方法
Li Zhonghui , 蔡冠楠,钮月,娄全,一种模拟和测试钻孔变形的装置
Li Zhonghui , 蔡冠楠,钮月,娄全,一种模拟测试钻孔变形的方法
Li Zhonghui , 蔡冠楠,钮月,杨胜利,沈志伟,一种测试巷道围岩松动圈的多点应力计
Li Zhonghui , wangenyuan,songxiaoyan,zhaoenlai,何淼,刘永杰,一种空气幕防尘头盔及方法