Paper Publications
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- JiangFeng LIU,张翔宇,陈亮,王驹,刘健,仁增增.低pH值水泥基材料性能及应用,2023,51(11)
- JiangFeng LIU,倪宏阳,Jianfu Shao,lixiaozhao,Yi Hong.Gas permeability evolution of unsaturated GMZ bentonite under thermo-mechanical effects,2022
- JiangFeng LIU,倪宏阳,Andrey P. Jivkov,Wanqing Shen,Jianfu Shao.A dual-porosity model for analysis of temperature effects on hydro-mechanical behaviour of GMZ bentonite under unconfined conditions,2022
- JiangFeng LIU,林远健,陈涛,huangbingxiang,马士佳,白海波.Gas Permeability Change with Deformation and Cracking of a Sandstone under Triaxial Compression,2022
- 宋杨,JiangFeng LIU,宋鲁光,赵丽,李书进.新冠肺炎疫情下基于中外合作办学的“土木工程材料”课程教学改革研究,2022,2022年05期:86-88+100,4
- JiangFeng LIU,马士佳,沈万青,周军平,洪义.Image feature recognition and gas permeability prediction of Gaomiaozi bentonite based on digital images and machine learning,2022,6(4): 314-323
- JiangFeng LIU,倪宏阳,Qi Zhang,Like Ma,郭静那,Xianbiao Mao.Water retention behavior and double porosity model study of GMZ bentonite considering temperature effects,2022,卷304
- 郭静那,JiangFeng LIU,Qi Zhang,Shengfei Cao,chenzhanqing.Gas migration properties through saturated bentonite considering the interface effect,2022,卷8 期2
- JiangFeng LIU,马士佳,倪宏阳,puhai,lixiaozhao,Shaojie Chen.Quantitative two/three-dimensional spatial characterization and fluid transport prediction of macro/micropores in Gaomiaozi bentonite,2022
- JiangFeng LIU,倪宏阳,Tao Chen,Shaojie Chen,Qingbin Meng.Coal permeability prediction method based on the microscopic pore-fracture dual-porosity structure,2022,卷211