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Paper Publications
黄大文,杨建华,张景玲,刘后广.An improved adaptive stochastic resonance with general scale transformation to extract high-frequency characteristics in strong noise,2018,32;15;1850185
liuhouguang,Cheng, Jinlei,yangjianhua,Rao, Zhushi,Cheng Gang,Yang, Shanguo,Huang, Xinsheng,Wang, Mengli.Concept and Evaluation of a New Piezoelectric Transducer for an Implantable Middle Ear Hearing Device,2017,卷: 17期: 11
liuhouguang,Han, Shuai,yangjianhua,LIU Songyong.Improving the weak feature extraction by adaptive stochastic resonance in cascaded piecewise-linear system and its application in bearing fault detection,2017,卷: 19期: 4页: 2506-2520
liuhouguang,韩帅,yangjianhua,LIU Songyong.Improving the weak feature extraction by adaptive stochastic resonance in cascaded piecewise‑linear system and its application in bearing fault detection,2017,19;4;
liuhouguang,Xu, Dan,yangjianhua,Yang, Shanguo,Cheng Gang,Huang, Xinsheng.Analysis of the influence of the transducer and its coupling layer on round window stimulation,2017,卷: 19期: 2页: 103-111
Xu, Dan,liuhouguang,Zhou, Lei,Cheng Gang,yangjianhua,Huang, Xinsheng,Liu, Xiaole.The effect of actuator and its coupling conditions on eardrum-stimulated middle ear implants: A numerical analysis,2016,卷: 230期: 12页: 1074-1085
陈曦晖,程刚,山显雷,胡晓,郭强,刘后广.Research of weak fault feature information extraction of planetary gear based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and adaptive stochastic resonance,2015,73;1;55-67