Liu, B., Chen, H., & Huang, X. (2018). Map changes and theme evolution in work hours: A co-word analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15(5), 1039. DOI10.3390/ijerph15051039
Release time:2022-07-18 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Included Journals:SCI、SSCI
Pre One:Wang,Y., Chen H., Liu, B., Yang, M., & Long,Q.(2020).A systematic review on the research progress and evolving trends of occupational health and safety management: A bibliometric analysis of mapping knowledge domains. Frontiers in Public Health(ON LINE). DOI10.3389/fpubh.2020.00081
Next One:Liu, B. Chen, H., Wang, Y. (2020)The structure and measurement of overtime work : A scale development study among Chinese employees. Current psychology. DOI10.1007/s12144-020-01259-1