[1] 程永新,徐大龙,王成真,王全明,姚苏梦,顾伟.相邻工作面隔离注浆充填开采沉陷影响规律研究,2024,:,9
[2] 潘瑞,徐大龙,顾伟.综放孤岛工作面过空巷安全技术研究,2024,:23-28,6
[3] 王远东,徐大龙,顾伟.煤柱群回采沿空掘巷护巷煤柱尺寸研究,2024,:17-22+28,7
[4] 顾伟,王允卿.厚硬覆岩下巨厚煤层开采转角塔塔线体稳定性演化特征研究 附视频,2024,2024年04期:730-740,11
[5] 顾伟,Wu, Jiaqi,孙政.Transient Pressure Behavior of CBM Wells during the Injection Fall-Off Test Considering the Quadratic Pressure Gradient,2024,卷: 14期: 13
[6] 顾伟,王允卿.Evolutionary characteristics of stability of tower line system of corner tower of extra-thick coal seam mining under thick hard overlying rock,2024,v 41,n 4,p730-740
[7] 顾伟,徐大龙,韩振飞,张豪.Research on the Reasonable Width of Coal Pillar Driving along Goaf under Thick Hard Roof,2024,v 14,n 14,
[8] 顾伟,Song, Zhitong,Hu, Guangwen,Yuan, He,Yang, Jing,付玮琪.Characteristics of Methane Hydrate Formation in a Gas-Water-Silt Sand Three-Phase Flow System and Its Effect on Multiphase Flow Behavior,2024,卷: 38期: 13页: 11685-11694
[9] 王远东,秦江波,徐大龙,顾伟.强动压松软煤体条件下沿空掘巷护巷煤柱尺寸研究,2024,2024年02期:1-7+30,8
[10] 顾伟,王允卿,徐大龙,缪阔,姚苏梦,张豪,韩振飞.Numerical Study of Gangue Slurry Deposition Behavior in Pipelines Considering Viscosity Change,2024,卷: 14期: 3