Paper Publications
- 边疆,gongsiyuan,Wu Cai,陆强,贾博,刘爱鑫,杨硕,李福宏,马新根.A Combined Method of Seismic Monitoring and Transient Electromagnetic Detection for the Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracturing Effect in Coal Burst Prevention,2024
- 田鑫元,gongsiyuan,doulinming,胡舜,陈本刚,陆强.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Parameter Optimization of Active Sources in Seismic Tomography,2024
- 张汝佩,gongsiyuan,doulinming,Wu Cai,lixuwei,李慧,田鑫元.Evaluation of Anti-Burst Performance in Mining Roadway Support System,2023
- gongsiyuan,Tian, Xinyuan,Zheng, Youlei,Bai, Jinzheng,Li, Xunda,Zhao, Meng.Empty area recognition technology of coal and rock mass by elastic wave ct inversion,2020,v 37,n 4,p759-766
- gongsiyuan,李静,jufeng,doulinming,He Jiang,Tian, Xin-yuan.Passive seismic tomography for rockburst risk identification based on adaptive-grid method,2019,v 86,p198-208
- 李静,gongsiyuan.Spatio-temporal assessments of rockburst hazard combining b values and seismic tomography,2017,65;1;77-88
- gongsiyuan,anjiyong.煤矿矿震定位中异向波速模型的构建与求解,2012
- gongsiyuan.冲击倾向煤岩纵波波速与应力关系试验研究,2012
- gongsiyuan.提高煤矿微震定位精度的台网优化布置算法,2012
- gongsiyuan.深部冲击倾向煤岩循环加卸载的纵波波速与应力关系试验研究,2012
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