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Paper Publications
Shifei Ding.A Clustering Algorithm Based on Information Visualization,2011,5;1;26-31
Shifei Ding.A Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Tolerant Granule,2011,6;1;191-195
Shifei Ding.Research Progress of Granular Computing (GrC),2011,5;1;162-172
Shifei Ding.支持向量机理论与算法研究综述,2011,40;1;2-10
Shifei Ding.一种基于成对约束的谱聚类算法,2010
Shifei Ding.Research of Attribute Reduction Algorithm about Knowledge System,2010
Shifei Ding.Neural Networks Algorithm Based on Factor Analysis,2010
Shifei Ding.Research and Progress of Cluster Algorithms based on Granular Computing,2010
Shifei Ding.Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Artificial Neural Networks,2010
Shifei Ding.基于PLS的Elman神经网络算法研究,2010