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  • 陈玉华 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.cumt.edu.cn/CYH12/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   副教授
论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Contrast study of mechanics experiments of multiphase medium coal rocks.
摘要:Evaluating dynamical process of the interlayer interference of reservoirs with various properties is significant for coproduction of tight gas and coalbed methane. However this issue has not received enough attention. From the productivity equation of tight gas and that of coalbed methane, a dynamical coefficient of the interlayer interference was derived for evaluating the intensity of the interlayer interference and it's tendency was analyzed with four key parameters. Then a theoretical model was created to evaluate dynamical process of the interlayer interference of tight gas and coalbed methane. After that, application steps of the created model were summarized for production layer selection and evaluating the dynamical process of interlayer interference in the realistic coproduction. For testifying the model, Well M-1 in the Qinshui basin were selected to obtain appropriate coproduction scheme of tight gas and coalbed methane and to evaluate the dynamical process of the interlayer interference. Finally, detailed analysis of drainage performance of Well M-1 indicated that the model could be applied in analyzing the actual performance of exploration.