Liu Zhenhua

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    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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    School of Economics and Management

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  主持国家自然科学基金教育部人文社会科学基金江苏省社科基金等国家级、省部级课题项,在《系统工程理论与实践》、Nature CommunicationsNature子刊Scientific DataNature子刊Energy EconomicsEconomic ModellingInternational Review of Financial AnalysisApplied EconomicsResearch in International Business and FinanceApplied EnergyEnergy Policy等国内外重要金融学、经济学及综合性期刊发表SSCI/SCI/CSSCI检索论文20余篇(被引1000余次;H指数14),出版学术专著1部。获得江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖校级优秀博士学位论文等奖励多项。获评中国矿业大学教职工考核优秀、中国矿业大学经济管理学院“优秀班主任”。兼任中国“双法”研究会气候金融研究分会理事、中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程专委会委员、教育部学位中心评审专家、Resources, Environment and Sustainability、Social Sciences & Humanities OpenJournal of Risk and Financial Management等期刊青年编委、编委或客座编辑,20余份SSCI/SCI期刊审稿人。























[1] Yan-Ran Ma#, Zhenhua Liu#共同一作, Dandan Ma, Pengxiang Zhai, Kun Guo, Dayong Zhang*, Qiang Ji*. A news-based climate policy uncertainty index for ChinaScientific Data, 2023, 10, 881.Nature子刊,SCI,JCR 1区)(能源金融在线推文介绍:中国气候政策不确定性指数数据集

- 本文构建了中国全国(日度、月度和年度)、31个省级(月度和年度)和293个城市(月度和年度)层面气候政策不确定性指数,我们将持续更新这一指数的数据,并将最新的数据定期发布在国际能源转型学会能源金融专业委员会(IEFN)网站(和Figshare上,欢迎引用。也欢迎各位老师、同学邮件联系,获取数据。

[2] Yuqin Zhou, Shan Wu*, Zhenhua Liu, Lavinia Rognone. The asymmetric effects of climate risk on higher-moment connectedness among carbon, energy and metals marketsNature Communications, 2023, 14, 7157.Nature子刊,SCI,JCR 1区,IF=16.6)(合作单位南京财经大学学校官网报道)(合作单位南京财经大学官微报道)(合作单位重庆师范大学学校官网报道

[3] Zhenhua Liu, Shumin Chen, Hongyu Zhong, Zhihua Ding*Coal price shocks, investor sentiment, and stock market returnsEnergy Economics, 2024, 135, 107619.SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 1区,ABS 3星,ABDC-A*,FMS高质量期刊

[4] Wanli Zhao, Xiangyang Zhai, Qiang Ji, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者Measuring crisis from climate risk spillovers in European electricity marketsEnergy Economics, 2024, 134, 107586.SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 1区,ABS 3星,ABDC-A*,FMS高质量期刊

[5] 刘振华,丁志华*,段钊平.气候政策不确定性会加剧能源市场间极端风险溢出吗?.系统工程理论与实践,2023,43(6):1651-1667.(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委A类期刊)(CCAJ煤炭周报》总第101期·观点智库栏目转载报道

[6] Zhenhua Liu, Qiang Ji, Pengxiang Zhai*, Zhihua Ding*. Asymmetric and time-frequency volatility connectedness between China and international crude oil markets with portfolio implicationsResearch in International Business and Finance, 2023, 66, 102039.SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 1区,ABS 2星,ABDC-B,FMS高质量期刊

[7] Zhenhua Liu, Tingting Zhu, Zhaoping Duan, Shanqi Xuan, Zhihua Ding*, Shan Wu*. Time-varying impacts of oil price shocks on China’s stock market under economic policy uncertaintyApplied Economics, 2023, 55(9), 963-989.SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 2区,ABS 2星,ABDC-A,FMS高质量期刊

[8] Zhenhua Liu, Huiying Zhang, Zhihua Ding*, Tao Lv, Xu Wang, Deqing Wang. When are the effects of economic policy uncertainty on oil–stock correlations larger? Evidence from a regime-switching analysis. Economic Modelling, 2022, 114, 105941.  SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 1区,ABS 2星,ACDC-A,FMS高质量期刊

[9] Rufei Ma, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者, Pengxiang Zhai*. Does economic policy uncertainty drive volatility spillovers in electricity markets: Time and frequency evidence. Energy Economics, 2022, 107, 105848.SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊,JCR 1区,ABS 3星,ABDC-A*,FMS高质量期刊)(国际能源转型学会推文介绍:经济政策不确定性会导致电力市场波动溢出效应吗?——来自时频的证据

[10] Jinyu Chen, Zhipeng Liang, Qian Ding, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者. Extreme spillovers among fossil energy, clean energy, and metals markets: Evidence from a quantile-based analysis. Energy Economics, 2022, 107, 105880. SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊JCR 1区,ABS 3星,ABDC-A*,FMS高质量期刊)(入选ESI高被引论文

[11] Jinyu Chen, Zhipeng Liang, Qian Ding, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者. Quantile connectedness between energy, metal, and carbon markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, 83, 102282.  SSCI且为ESI经济领域期刊JCR 1区,ABS 3星,ABDC-A,FMS高质量期刊

[12] Zhenhua Liu, Xunpeng Shi, Pengxiang Zhai, Shan Wu*, Zhihua Ding*, Yuqin Zhou. Tail risk connectedness in the oil-stock nexus: Evidence from a novel quantile spillover approach. Resources Policy, 2021, 74, 102381. SSCIJCR 1区,ABS 2星,ABDC-B,FMS高质量期刊

[13] Zhenhua Liu, Hui-Kuan Tseng, Jy S. Wu*, Zhihua Ding. Implied volatility relationships between crude oil and the US stock markets: Dynamic correlation and spillover effects. Resources Policy, 2020, 66, 101637.SSCIJCR 1区,ABS 2星,ABDC-B,FMS高质量期刊,被引70余次

[14] Zhenhua Liu, Zhihua Ding*, Tao Lv, Jy S. Wu, Wei Qiang. Financial factors affecting oil price change and oil-stock interactions: a review and future perspectives. Natural Hazards, 2019, 95(1), 207-225.SCI/SSCIJCR 2

[15] Zhenhua Liu, Zhihua Ding*, Rui Li, Xin Jiang, Jy S. Wu, Tao Lv. Research on differences of spillover effects between international crude oil price and stock markets in China and America. Natural Hazards, 2017, 88(1), 575-590.SCI/SSCI,JCR 2区

[16] Zhihua Ding, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者, Yue-Jun Zhang, Ruyin Long. The contagion effect of international crude oil price fluctuations on Chinese stock market investor sentiment. Applied Energy, 2017, 187, 27-36. SCI/SSCIJCR 1区,ABDC-A,被引160余次

[17] Zhihua Ding, Guangqiang Wang*, Zhenhua Liu*通讯作者, Ruyin Long. Research on differences in the factors influencing the energy-saving behavior of urban and rural residents in China–A case study of Jiangsu Province. Energy Policy, 2017, 100, 252-259. SSCIJCR 1区,ABS 2星,ABDC-A,FMS高质量期刊,被引130余次
















[3]Resources, Environment and Sustainability 青年编委(Early Career Editorial Board

[4]Social Sciences & Humanities Open 编委Editorial Board

[5]Frontiers in Energy Research 评审编辑(Review Editor

[6]Frontiers in Environmental Economics 评审编辑(Review Editor

[7]Journal of Risk and Financial Management 客座编辑(Guest Editor


[9]Energy EconomicsJournal of Futures MarketsInternational Review of Financial Analysis、International Review of Economics and FinanceTechnological Forecasting & Social ChangeFinance Research LettersJournal of Climate FinanceApplied EconomicsApplied Economics LettersFinancial InnovationInternational Journal of Finance and EconomicsEmerging Markets Finance and TradeEconomic Analysis and PolicyJournal of the Asia Pacific EconomyExpert Systems With ApplicationsResources PolicyEnergyApplied EnergyEnergy PolicyResources, Conservation & RecyclingRenewable EnergySustainable Production and ConsumptionEnergy Efficiency20余份SSCI/SCI期刊审稿人

Educational Experience

  • 2007.9 to 2010.6

    江苏省丰县中学 | 无学位 | 高中毕业

  • 2010.9 to 2014.6

    中国矿业大学 | 市场营销 | Bachelor's degree | 本科毕业

  • 2014.9 to 2019.12

    中国矿业大学 | 管理科学与工程 | Doctor | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

  • 2017.11 to 2018.11

    美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 | 能源经济管理 | Doctor | 联合培养博士生

Work Experience

  • 2020.1 to Now


Social Affiliations

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