Feiyu Chen

Personal Information

Personal Information

  • School/Department:

    China University of Mining and Technology
  • Education Level:

    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:

    School of Economics and Management A104
  • Gender:

  • Contact Information:

  • Degree:

  • Status:

  • Alma Mater:

    China University of Mining and Technology
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Teacher College:

    School of Economics and Management

Other Contact Information


PhD in management, Associate Professor of the School of Economics and Management of China University of Mining and Technology, mainly engaged in the field of resource and environmental management. In recent years presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation Post-funded Project, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funding Project, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation General Funding Project (first-class funding), Jiangsu Province Social Sciences Fund and other projects, mainly participate in a number of national-level projects such as Major/key Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, and General Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. More than 40 papers have been published in important journals in related fields such as Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Policy, Science of the Total Environment, Sustainable Cities and Society, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. Won the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jiangsu Province (2019), the Second Prize of Science and Technology Award of China Coal Industry Association (2019),  and other awards.

1. Major research projects hosted in recent years

 (1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 72274194, “Research on recurrence mechanism and guiding policy of urban residents’ waste reduction behavior based on anchoring breakthrough”.

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China,71904187,Research on Driving Mechanism and Guiding Policy of Urban Residents' Voluntary Waste Separation Behavior.

 (3) National Social Science Foundation Post-funded Project,19FGLY002,Research on Driving Mechanism and Policy Simulation of Urban Residents' Waste Separation Behavior.

 (4) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funding Project,2019T120483,Research on Policy Unlocking to Promote the Emergence of Urban Residents' Active Separation Behavior.

 (5) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation General Funding Project (first-class funding),2018M640539,Research on the Recurrence Mechanism of Urban Residents' Waste Separation Behavior under Information Intervention.

 (6) Jiangsu Province Social Sciences Fund,18GLB015,Research on Cooperative Mechanism and Operation Guarantee of Urban Residents' Waste Separation  in Jiangsu Province.

2. Some research papers published in recent years:

1Feiyu Chen, Wenjin Chen, Jing Hou, Wenbo Li. Research on the Variations in Individual Waste Separation Behavior due to Different Information Strategies-Mediating Effects of Psychological Distance. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 304: 114320.

(2)Feiyu Chen, Jing Hou, Xiao Gu, et al. Research on temporal and spatial evolution of public's response to themandatory waste separation policy based on big data mining. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 31: 236-248.

(3)Feiyu Chen, Hong Chen, Daoyan Guo, et al. Analysis of undesired environmental behavior among Chinese undergraduates. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2017, 162: 1239-1251.

(4)Feiyu Chen*, Lou Jingxuan, Hu Jiangxin, et al. Study on the relationship between crisis awareness and medical waste separation behavior shown by residents during the COVID-19 epidemic. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 787: 147522.

(5)Jin Yujing, Feiyu Chen*, Chen Hong, Long Ruyin. Influence of regulatory focus on proactive waste separation behavior by urban residents' mediating effect of anchoring breakthrough. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70:102884. 

(6)Feiyu Chen, Chen Hong*, Jin Yujing, et al. Impact of Cognition on Waste Separation Behavior - Nonlinear Moderating Effect by Trustworthiness for Links. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, (4):126525.

(7)Feiyu Chen*, Chen Hong*, Liu Shuo, et al. Formation and recurrence mechanism of residents' waste separation behavior under the intervention of an information interaction. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 162:105027.

(8)Feiyu Chen, Hong Chen, Daoyan Guo, et al. How to achieve a cooperative mechanism of MSW source separation among individuals — An analysis based on evolutionary game theory. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 195: 521-531.

(9)Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Xinru Huang et al. Are individuals’ environmental behavior always consistent?—An analysis based on spatial difference. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 125: 25-36.

(10)Feiyu Chen, Hong Chen, Jiahui Yang, et al. Impact of regulatory focus on express packaging waste recycling behavior: Moderating role of psychological empowerment perception. Environmental science and pollution research, 2019, 26(9): 8862-8874.

(11)Feiyu Chen, Hong Chen, Jiahui Yang, et al. Impact of information intervention on the recycling behavior of individuals with different value orientations-An experimental study on express delivery packaging waste. Sustainability, 2018, 10(10): 3617.

(15)Feiyu Chen, Hong Chen, Ruyin Long, et al. Prediction of environmental cognition to undesired environmental behavior— the interaction effect of environmental context. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2018, 37(4):1361-1370.

(13)Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Dandan Zhu, et al. Burnout in Chinese coal mine safety supervision. Energy Policy, 2015, 85: 22-31.

(14)Li Shanshan, Chen Hong, Chen Feiyu, Gan Xin, Yang Menghua. Examining the cooperative governance of occupational safety and health from a "health footprint" perspective. Natural Hazards, 104(2): 1859-1878.

(15)Qianwen Li, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen. Visualized analysis of global green buildings: Development, barriers and future directions, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 245, 118775.

(16)Wenbo Li, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Xiao Zheng, Zhengxia He, Linling Zhang. Willingness to pay for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles in China: A choice experiment analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(59): 34346-34353.

   ··· (Other papers can be searched in Web of Science)

3. Published books in recent years:

(1)Feiyu Chen. Driving Mechanism and Guiding Policies of Urban Residents' Waste Separati Behavior, China Social Sciences Press, 2020.

(2)Hong Chen, Ting Yue, Ruyin Long, Hui Lu, Feiyu Chen. Organizational Behavior (Case Edition), China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2020.

(3)Hong Chen, Hui Lu, Ruyin Long, Ting Yue, Feiyu ChenEssentials of Organizational Behavior, Social Sciences Literature Press, 2020.

Educational Experience

  • 2009.9 to 2013.6

    中国矿业大学 | 人力资源管理 | 学士 | 本科毕业

  • 2015.9 to 2018.6

    中国矿业大学 | 管科科学与工程 | Doctor | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work Experience

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