Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Management
Alma Mater:湖南大学
许勇,博士,1992年6月生,江苏宜兴人,中国矿业大学经济管理学院会计系讲师。湖南大学工商管理学院工商管理专业博士毕业,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院联合培养博士。主要研究方向包括:企业技术创新、公司治理以及能源经济等。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Journal of Business Research、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management、Technological Forecasting & Social Change、Journal of Environmental Management、Technology in Society、Renewable Energy、Applied Economics、Research in Transportation Business & Management以及International Journal of Emerging Markets等期刊发表10多篇学术论文。
[1] 通讯作者. (2024). Every Coin Has Two Sides: Enterprise Digital Transformation and Symbolic Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (ABS 3, FMS A)
[2] 第一作者. (2024). How does Executive Excess Compensation affect Enterprise Technological Innovation: Evidence from a Panel Threshold Model of Chinese Biopharmaceutical Companies. Journal of Business Research. (ABS 3, FMS B)
[3] 第一作者. (2023). Making Technological Innovation Greener: Does Firm Digital Transformation Work?. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. (ABS 3, FMS B)
[4] 第一作者. (2023). Fintech Development and Firm Technological Innovation Efficiency: Empirical Findings in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (ABS 3, FMS A)
[5] 通讯作者. (2023). How does Environmental Policy Stringency Influence Green Innovation for Environmental Managements?. Journal of Environmental Management, 338, 117766. (ABS 3, FMS B, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[6] 通讯作者. (2023). Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Urban Innovation: Contextual Findings in Lens of Sustainable Development from China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 191, 122526. (ABS 3, FMS B)
[7] 第一作者. (2023). Clarifying the Dispute of Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Green Technological Innovation. Technology in Society. (中科院一区TOP)
[8] 第一作者. (2022). How Environmental Regulations Affect the Development of Green Finance: Recent Evidence from Polluting Firms in China. Renewable Energy, 189, 917–926. (中科院一区TOP, ESI Highly Cited Paper)
[9] 第一作者. (2021). Financial Structure and Capital Allocation Efficiency: An Empirical Analysis of China from 2005-2018. Applied Economics, 53(29), 3347–3358. (SSCI Q2, ABS 2)
[10] 第一作者. (2022). Does High-Speed Rail help or hurt Total Factor Productivity of Enterprises in Marginal Cities. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 43, 100837. (SSCI Q2, ABS 1)
[11] 通讯作者. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Innovation Efficiency: Evidence from China. International Journal of Emerging Markets. (SSCI Q2, ABS 1)
[1] 教育部人文社科青年项目(24YJC630257)
[2] 中央高校基本科研业务经费(2024SK03)
[3] 中国矿业大学第16批“启航计划”培养