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Home > Scientific Research > Paper Publications

Localized Plasmonic Vortex Printing Technology Based on the Metaparticle and Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons

Release time:2023-08-25 Hits:

DOI number:10.1002/pssa.202000708
Affiliation of Author(s):信息与控制工程学院
Funded by:国家自然科学基金项目
First Author:李媛
Co-author:wangjun,Wang, Shiji,Li, Xiaolong,Han, Jianfei,shenxiaopeng,Hao, Zhang-Cheng,Lei Zhao
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:5b5bb2947ad1fb2b017adcd1b1c2051c
Volume:卷: 218期: 8
ISSN No.:1862-6300
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-04-01