R. Chen, X. Li, Y. Sun, S. Li and Z. Sun, "Multi-UAV Coverage Scheme for Average Capacity Maximization," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 653-657, March 2020. doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2019.2962774
上一条:Y. Sun, B. Wang, S. Li, Z. Sun, H. M. Nguyen and T. Q. Duong, "Manipulation With Domino Effect for Cache- and Buffer-Enabled Social IIoT: Preserving Stability in Tripartite Graphs," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 5389-5400, Aug. 2020. doi: 10.1109/TII.2019.2935537
下一条:B. Wang, G. Feng, W. Guo, Y. Sun and Y. Liu, "Achievable Rate of Beamforming Dual-Hop Relay Network With a Jammer and EH Constraint," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 17, pp. 10123-10129, 1 Sept.1, 2020. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2989339