Paper Publications
- DOI number:D O I : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 2 0 9 5 - 5 0 9 X . 2 0 2 3 . 1 0 . 0 0
- Affiliation of Author(s):机电工程学院
- Funded by:省、市、自治区科技项目
- First Author:Xin Li
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Document Code:5b5bb2948c056d15018c39328ce43a43
- Volume:52(10):21-24
- ISSN No.:2095-509X
- Translation or Not:no
- CN No.:32-1838/TH
- Date of Publication:2023-10-15