周扬.Intermittent freezing mode to reduce frost heave in freezing soils - experiments and mechanism analysis,2012,49;6;686-693
周扬,周国庆.stress calculation for a double layer shaft in special strata,2011,243-249;;2738-2743
周扬.Approximate Analytical Solution for Nonlinear Multiphase Stefan Problem,2015,29;2;417-422
周扬.Analytical solution for nonlinear infinite line source problem with temperature-dependent thermal properties,2015,51;1;143–152
周扬.Exact solution for a Stefan problem with latent heat a power function of position,2014,29;2;451-454
周扬.One-dimensional consolidation with a threshold gradient: a Stefan problem with rate-dependent latent heat,2013,37;16;2825-2832
周扬.Approximate solution for the temperature field of 1-D soil freezing process in a semi-infinite region,2013,49;1;75-84
周扬.Heat Conduction in a Semi-infinite Body with Power-Type Initial and Boundary Conditions,2012,33;12;2390-2406