Paper Publications
- zhaoxiaohu.Research on clustering protocols based on event-driven,2013,11;2;
- zhaoxiaohu.Research on LEACH protocols in dynamic space of coalface,2013,8;2;
- zhaoxiaohu,汪正东,王中苓,张倩倩.The study of Event-driven clustering routing algorithm for WSN in the Coal Mine goaf,2011
- zhaoxiaohu,王中苓,赵可可.Research on Distributed Image Compression Algorithm in Coal Mine WMSN,2011
- zhaoxiaohu.Application of LBT Based Multi-node Cooperative Image Compression Algorithm for WMSNs,2010
- zhaoxiaohu.On-line least squares support vector machine algorithm in gas prediction,2009
- zhaoxiaohu.Research of Coal Mine Safety Assessment Based on Evidence Theory,2009
- zhaoxiaohu.“数字矿山”架构模型的探讨,2009
- zhaoxiaohu.Reseach of coal mine safety-production dispatching based on multilayer Petri net,2009
- zhaoxiaohu.基于约束MORKOV的强化学习的研究与应用,2009
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