[73] 周敏.我国高效农业规模化发展研究,2010
[74] 周敏.一个具有随机扰动项的动态学习模型的构建,2010
[75] 周敏.高效低成本多维立体城市物流体系探析,2010
[76] 周敏.煤炭矿区衰退的机理及可持续发展对策研究,2009
[77] 周敏.关于大屯矿区循环经济建设的若干分析及对策建议,2009
[78] 周敏.The On-line Electronic Commerce Forecast Based on Least Square Support Vector Machine,2009
[79] 周敏.The On-line Electronic Commerce Forecast Based on Least,2009
[80] 周敏.Empirical Study on the Relation of Producer Services and Manufacturing in Yangtze River Delta Region: Based on industrial perspectives and Time-series Data.,2009
[81] 周敏.Coalmining cities’economic growth mechanism and sustainable development analysis based on Logistic dynamics model,2009
[82] 周敏.我国能源产业系统演化过程的实证分析,2009
[83] 周敏.城市衰退产业转型模式选择,2008
[84] 周敏.原材料存货期末计量和处理方法进一步分析,2008