Paper Publications
- zhaolala,赵啦啦,zhaoyuemin,李珺.湿颗粒堆力学特性的离散元法模拟研究,2014,63;3;
- zhaolala,zhaoyuemin,liuchusheng,李珺,donghailin.Simulation of the screening process on a circularly vibrating screen using 3D-DEM,2011,21;5;677-680
- zhaolala,zhaoyuemin,liuchusheng,donghailin.Dynamic collision detection algorithm and application,2011
- zhaolala.不同振动模式下颗粒分离行为的数值模拟,2010
- zhaolala.颗粒筛分过程的三维离散元法模拟,2010
- zhaolala.A virtual experiment showing single particle motion on a linear vibrating screen-deck,2010
- zhaolala.振动筛面颗粒流三维离散元法模拟,2010
- zhaolala.颗粒分层过程三维离散元法模拟研究,2010
- zhaolala.Computer simulation of particle segregation process using 3D discrete element method,2009
- zhaolala.Multi-object optimization design for differential and grading toothed roll crusher using a genetic algorithm,2008
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