[21] 张村,张磊.Experimental study of stress–permeability behavior of single persistent fractured coalsamples in the fractured zone,2018,15;1;
[22] 张磊.Comparative experiment study on nitrogen injection and free desorption of methane-rich bituminous coal under triaxial loading,2017,62;4;
[23] 张磊.Analysis of broken coal permeability evolution under cyclic loading and unloading conditions by the model based on the hertz contact deformation principle,2017,119;3;
[24] 叶志伟,张磊.Experimental study on the response characteristics of coal permeability to pore pessure under loading and unloading conditions,2017,14;1;
[25] 张村,张磊.Pressure-relief and methane production performance of pressure relief gas extraction technology in the longwall mining,2017,14;1;
[26] 张磊,张村,屠世浩,屠洪盛,王沉.A Study of Directional Permeability and Gas Injection to Flush Coal Seam Gas Testing Apparatus and Method,2015,111
[27] 张磊.Nitrogen injection to flush coal seam gas out of coal: an experimental study,2015,60;4;
[28] 张磊.Influence of coal particle size on coal adsorption and desorption characteristics,2014,59;3;
[29] 张磊.Triaxial permeability testing and microstructure study of hard-to-drain coal from Sydney Basin, Australia,2014,8;4;
[30] 张磊.Coal sorption characteristics and coal surface tension,2014,8;3;