Can Customer Participation Promote Supplier Green Innovation in the Social Media Environment? The Mediating Role of Green Dynamic Capability and the Moderating Role of Social Media Use
- DOI number:10.1080/1051712X.2023.2256312
- Affiliation of Author(s):经济管理学院
- Funded by:国家自然科学基金项目
- First Author:Sun, Jianxin
- Co-author:Ma, Baolong,zhaoli
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Document Code:5b5bb2948f9dfb6a018fa46a2d6b17a3
- Volume:卷: 31期: 1页: 1-25
- ISSN No.:1051-712X
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2024-01-02
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