DOI number:10.1063/5.0058855
Affiliation of Author(s):安全工程学院
Funded by:国家自然科学基金项目
First Author:zhoukun
Co-author:Lu, Lu,Li, Bowen,Cheng, Qiang
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:5b5bb294809911bc0180a7fcbec51c18
Volume:卷: 130期: 9
ISSN No.:0021-8979
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-09-07
Pre One : Actively tunable hybrid plasmon-phonon polariton modes in ferroelectric/graphene heterostructure systems at low-THz frequencies
Next One : Hyperbolic plasmon–phonon dispersion and tunable spontaneous emission enhancement in phase change material Ge2Sb2Te5-based hybrid multilayer graphene and hBN system
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
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