Paper Publications
Algorithm of BPNN-UKF based on a fusion model for SOC estimation in lithium-ion batteries
- DOI number:10.1049/pel2.12431
- Affiliation of Author(s):电气工程学院
- Funded by:企业单位委托科技项目
- First Author:Lin, Jiashun
- Co-author:Yang, Xiaoquan,zhoujuan,Wang, Guangming,Liu, Jianshan,Yuan, Yalei
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Document Code:5b5bb29485152eb0018560b0dce63334
- Volume:v 16,n 5,p856-867
- ISSN No.:17554535
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2023-04-08
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