周宏轩,王冠,胡聃,孙婧.Horizontal heat impacts of a bare facade on air temperature in an adjacent green plot within pedestrian heights in Beijing,2021,卷: 30期: 3页: 411-425
周宏轩,陶贵鑫,葛彪,炎欣烨,孙婧.Response of Outdoor Thermal Environment to Small Changes in Three-Dimensional Urban Morphology - a Case Study of Adding Elevators to a Residential Quarter in Xuzhou City, China,2021,卷: 30期: 4页: 3907-3918
周宏轩,孙婧.Exploring the Reform of Higher Education in the View of Artificial Intelligence,2019,242-248
周宏轩,陈欢,吴岳,孙婧,胡聃,罗萍嘉,查剑锋.Horizontal Heat Impacts of a Building on Various Soil Layer Depths in Beijing City,2019,卷: 11期: 7
李元征,王岚,周宏轩,Zhao, Guosong,Ling, Feng,Li, Xiaodong,Qiu, Juan.Urbanization effects on changes in the observed air temperatures during 1977-2014 in China,2019,卷: 39期: 1页: 251-265
王冠,周宏轩,孙婧.基于新纪念性特征的当代建筑技艺审美层次分析方法构建,2018,61(3): 49-57
吴岳,周宏轩,孙婧.城市居住区绿地对室外热环境的影响研究综述,2018,61(3): 39-44