
Affiliation of Participant(s):人工智能研究院-科技双创孵化中心
Leading Scientist:赵迪斐
Supported by:徐州汉唐公益发展中心
Type of Research Outcome:New Technology & New Process
Classification of Project:其他
Type of Project:应用研究
Nature of Project:Applied research
Supported by:Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects
Project Participants:李莎,朱克力,宋文蛟,容妮,guochangfang,施先耀,王彦彦
Classification of Disciplines:Engineering
First-Level Discipline:Urban and Rural Planning
Date of Project Approval:2021-06-06
Scheduled completion time:2023-06-30
Date of Project Initiation:2021-06-06
Subsidy Amount:10.0