- 尹世平,董朋杰,胡长顺,史振宇.锈蚀钢筋与TRC约束混凝土黏结滑移本构关系,2021,:144-153,10
- Hua, Yuntao,尹世平,Wang, Zihan.Analysis of influence factors on interfacial bond between BFRP bars and seawater sea-sand concrete,2021,卷: 40期: 1-2页: 16-28
- Liu, Shuang,尹世平,Jing, Lei.Fracture energy analysis on the fabric-matrix interface for the bond system of fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM)-masonry substrate,2021
- 华云涛,尹世平,王璐晨.玄武岩纤维筋海水海砂混凝土梁承载性能及使用性能影响因素研究,2020,:166-177,12
- Li, Shichang,尹世平,高宇.Analysis of Interface Properties Between TRC and Concrete Under Chloride Attack Based on Fracture Energy,2020,v 14,n 1,
- Cheng, Shuaian,尹世平,Jing, Lei.Comparative experimental analysis on the in-plane shear performance of brick masonry walls strengthened with different fiber reinforced materials,2020,v 259,
- 戴君岩,尹世平,胡长顺.Analysis of key influencing factors of the bond performance between BFRP bars and coral reef and sand concrete,2020
- 荆磊,尹世平,Farhad Aslani.Experimental investigation on compressive performance of masonry columns confined with textile-reinforced concrete,2020
- 尹世平,丰琳莉,赵俊伶.Study on the tensile and flexural mechanical properties of TRE in freezing-thawing environments,2020
- Hua, Yuntao,尹世平,Peng, Zhangtao.Crack development and calculation method for the flexural cracks in BFRP reinforced seawater sea-sand concrete (SWSSC) beams,2020,v 255,