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Paper Publications
yanghaifeng,贾乐,刘坤,王岩,熊飞,Hao Liu,Jingbin Hao.High precision complete forming process of metal microstructure induced by laser shock imprinting,2020,v 108,n 1-2,p143-155
熊飞,yanghaifeng,刘坤,满家祥,陈好学.Effect of imprinting times and stress annealing on warm laser shock imprinting,2020,卷: 26期: 2页: 353-366
熊飞,yanghaifeng,刘坤,满家祥,陈好学.Forming and two-way shape memory effect of NiTi alloy induced by laser shock imprinting,2019,v 120,
满家祥,yanghaifeng,王云飞,陈好学,熊飞.Study on controllable surface morphology of the micro-pattern fabricated on metallic foil by laser shock imprinting,2019,卷: 119
yanghaifeng,贾乐,熊飞,王岩,liuhao,Jingbin Hao.高粘结强度2L-FCCL、低轮廓铜箔的激光制造技术,2019,:158-164,7
刘坤,yanghaifeng,熊飞,满家祥,陈好学.Research on the dynamic yield strength and forming depth of microscale laser shock imprinting,2019,卷: 116页: 189-195
yanghaifeng,刘坤,刘昊.Microscale laser shock imprinting of micro-molds with different sizes and shapes,2018,48;4;
满家祥,yanghaifeng,Hao Liu,刘坤,宋何南.The research of micro pattern transferring on metallic foil via micro-energy ultraviolet pulse laser shock,2018,107;1;228-238
满家祥,yanghaifeng,Hao Liu,赵恩兰,陈天驰,钱济国,朱华.Effect of Magnetizing Treatment on the Tribological Properties of a Laser Processed Ni-Co Alloy Surface Coating,2018,40;1-3;