Language : English
Xu Jie

Paper Publications

Assessment on combustion performance and bottom ash properties of carbon-rich fraction from coal gasification fine slag co-combustion with corn straw char


DOI number:10.1002/er.8312

Affiliation of Author(s):中国矿业大学炼焦煤资源绿色开发全国重点实验室、国家煤加工与洁净化工程技术研究中心

Funded by:国家自然科学基金项目

First Author:贾文科

Co-author:郭旸,Xu Jie,邱国峰,王如梦,liyan,薛满满,zhangyixin,wujianjun

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:5b5bb29483e4b6240183f9802d182ba2

ISSN No.:0363-907X

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2022-07-01