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Paper Publications
他旭鹏,wanzhijun,zhangyuan,师鹏,魏泽捷,孙鑫,贾亮亮.Field and Numerical Investigation on the Coal Pillar Instability of Gob-Side Entry in Gently Inclined Coal Seam,2021,卷: 2021
王骏辉,wanzhijun,zhanghongwei,王靖超,王毅,zhangyuan,liusifei,Lu, Ning.Effects of Thermal Water Upwelling on Microclimate Change in the High Geo-Temperature Roadway,2021,卷: 2021
刘泗斐,石鹏,wanzhijun,Lu, Shuaifeng,Lv, Jiakun,Meng, Fanfei.Interrelationships between Acoustic Emission and Cutting Force in Rock Cutting,2021,卷: 2021
武兆鹏,Wang, Junhui,wanzhijun,CJY,Xiong, Luchang,Zhao, Lizhu,Liu, Xiaogang.A Case Study of Cyclic Top Coal Weakening Process Based on Highly Tough Coal Seam with Partings,2021,卷: 2021
张洪伟,wanzhijun,赵毅鑫,zhangyuan,陈玉龙,王骏辉,程敬义.Shear Induced Seepage and Heat Transfer Evolution in a Single-Fractured Hot-Dry-Rock,2021,卷: 126期: 2页: 443-455
张洪伟,wanzhijun,赵毅鑫,张源,陈玉龙,王骏辉,程敬义.Shear Induced Seepage and Heat Transfer Evolution in a Single-Fractured Hot-Dry-Rock,2021,卷: 126期: 2页: 443-455
王骏辉,王毅,wanzhijun,张洪伟,CJY,闫万梓.Effects of Stress and Temperature on the Permeability of Gas-Saturated Wet Coal,2020,卷: 34期: 11页: 14535-14547