- 汪云甲.Monitoring coal fires in Datong coalfield usingmulti-source remote sensing data,2015,25;无;
- 黄翌,汪云甲.改进FPAR的煤矿区植被NPP损失研究,2015,29;2;
- 黄翌,黄 翌,汪云甲.大同半干旱煤矿区植被覆盖度时空演化研究及影响因素分析,2015,44;1;
- 林丽新,汪云甲.基于Enter_PLSR的高光谱_省略_矿南山煤矸石山景区土壤有效氮估测,2014,34;6;
- Zhi Wei Li,汪云甲.Retrieving three-dimensional displacement fields of mining areas from a single InSAR pair,2013,89;1;
- 汪云甲.infrafred thermography monitoring and early warning of the spontaneous,2008
- 汪云甲.数字矿山与煤矿瓦斯监测及预警,2008
- 汪云甲.基于土地资源承载力的矿区土地资源安全评价模型,2006
- 汪云甲.Dispatch and Command Infornation System for Coal Mining Safety Production,2006
- 汪云甲.基于MapX的煤矿断层网络复杂程度的定量评价,2006