Paper Publications
- 艾杰,刘滋武,孙毛毛,刘玲,王全德.A correlation of the hydrogen evolution reaction activity to the number of defects formed by the decomposition of doped phosphorus species in carbon nanotubes,2022,卷: 37期: 4页: 773-780
- Zheng, Dao,He, Dong,Quan De Wang,Ding, Yanjun,Peng, Zhimin.Simultaneous measurements of temperature, CO, and CO2 time-history in reacting n-heptane/O-2 /argon mixtures blended with diethyl ether b ehind reflecte d shock waves,2022,卷: 241
- Xu, Shenying,Liang, Jinhu,Cao, Shutong,He, Ruining,Yin, Guoliang,Quan De Wang.A Hierarchical Theoretical Study of the Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions of H-2/C-1-C-4 Molecules by the Methyl Peroxy Radical and Implications for Kinetic Modeling,2022,卷: 7期: 10页: 8675-8685
- Liang, Jinhu,Li, Xiaoliang,Li, Fei,Wang, Bi-Yao,Zeng, Ping,Yang, Zhi-Yuan,Xia, Zu-Xi,Quan De Wang.Experimental study on sooting characteristics of a direct coal liquefaction derived jet fuel and its blend with RP-3 jet fuel,2022,v 307,
- Wan, Zhongyu,Quan De Wang.Machine Learning Prediction of the Exfoliation Energies of Two-Dimension Materials via Data-Driven Approach,2021,v 12,n 46,p11470-11475
- Panigrahy, Snehasish,Liang, Jinhu,Ghosh, Manik Kumer,Quan De Wang,Zuo, Zhaohong,Nagaraja, Shashank,Mohamed, A. Abd El-Sabor,Kim, Gihun,Vasu, Subith S.,Curran, Henry J..An experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of the pyrolysis and oxidation of allene and propyne over a wide range of conditions,2021,v 233,
- Wan, Zhongyu,Quan De Wang,Liu, Dongchang,Liang, Jinhu.Effectively improving the accuracy of PBE functional in calculating the solid band gap via machine learning,2021,v 198,
- Xu, Shenying,Quan De Wang,Sun, Mao-Mao,Yin, Guoliang,Liang, Jinhu.Benchmark calculations for bond dissociation energies and enthalpy of formation of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,2021,卷: 11期: 47页: 29690-29701
- Wan, Zhongyu,Quan De Wang,Liu, Dongchang,Liang, Jinhu.Machine learning prediction of stability, topological properties and band gap of topological insulators in tetradymites,2021,卷: 409
- Wan, Zhongyu,Quan De Wang,Liu, Dongchang,Liang, Jinhu.Data-driven machine learning model for the prediction of oxygen vacancy formation energy of metal oxide materials,2021,v 23,n 29,p15675-15684
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