- 吴疆宇,Han, Guansheng,冯梅梅,Kong, Hailing,Yu, Bangyong,Wang, Luzhen,Gao, Yuan.Mass-loss effects on the flow behavior in broken argillaceous red sandstone with different particle-size distributions,2019,卷: 347期: 6页: 504-523
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,张文力,郁邦永,陈占清,韩观胜.围压及孔隙水压对饱水砂岩能耗特征的影响,2019,2019年01期:180-193,14
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,Ni, Xiaoyan,茅献彪,Chen, Zhanqing,Han, Guansheng.Aggregate gradation effects on dilatancy behavior and acoustic characteristic of cemented rockfill,2019,卷: 92页: 79-92
- Han, Guansheng,孟波,靖洪文,吴疆宇.Field Experimental Study on the Broken Rock Zone of Surrounding Rock and the Rock Borehole Shear Tests of the Large Deformation Tunnel,2019,v 2019,
- Han, Guansheng,孟波,靖洪文,吴疆宇.Field Experimental Study on the Broken Rock Zone of Surrounding Rock and the Rock Borehole Shear Tests of the Large Deformation Tunnel,2019,v 2019,
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,Han Guansheng,Yao Benyu,Ni Xiaoyan.Loading rate and confining pressure effect on dilatancy, acoustic emission, and failure characteristics of fissured rock with two pre-existing flaws,2019,卷: 347期: 1页: 62-89
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,Han, Guansheng,Ni, Xiaoyan,Chen, Zhanqing.Experimental investigation on mechanical properties of cemented paste backfill under different gradations of aggregate particles and types and contents of cementing materials,2019,v 2019,
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,茅献彪,Xu, Jingmin,Zhang, Wenli,Ni, Xiaoyan,Han, Guansheng.Particle size distribution of aggregate effects on mechanical and structural properties of cemented rockfill: Experiments and modeling,2018,卷: 193页: 295-311
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,Xu, Jingmin,Qiu, Peitao,Wang, Yiming,Han, Guansheng.Particle Size Distribution of Cemented Rockfill Effects on Strata Stability in Filling Mining,2018,卷: 8期: 9
- 吴疆宇,冯梅梅,陈占清,茅献彪,Han, Guansheng,Wang, Yiming.Particle Size Distribution Effects on the Strength Characteristic of Cemented Paste Backfill,2018,卷: 8期: 8