Paper Publications
- 刘同波,Tang Jun.Force exerted on the spiral tip by the heterogeneity in an excitable medium,2013,104;24;58005
- Tang Jun.Information Transmission in a Neuron-Astrocyte Coupled Model,2013,8;11;e80324
- 仇康,Tang Jun.Quantifying the Attractive Force Exerted on the Pinned Calcium Spiral Waves by Using the Adventive Field,2013,30;11;118701
- 刘同波,Tang Jun.Influence of Noise on Stability of the Ecosystem,2013,60;11;510-514
- Tang Jun.Spiral waves in systems with fractal Heterogeneity,2013,392;10;5764–5771
- Tang Jun.The influence of diversity on spiral wave in the cardiac tissue,2012,97;;28003
- Tang Jun.Robustness of diversity induced synchronization transition in a delayed small-world neuronal network,2011,28;10;
- Tang Jun.Delay and diversity-induced synchronization transitions in a small-world neuronal network,2011,83;4;046207
- 仇康,Tang Jun.Controlling intracellular Ca2+ spiral waves by the local agonist in the cell membrane,2010,19;3;030508
- Tang Jun.反应限制聚集模型的动力学行为的研究,2005