Paper Publications
- sangshuxun,wangran,Perry,Harrsion Huang,Liu Shiqi,hansijie.论煤地质学与碳中和,2020,2021年01期:1-11,11
- 方辉煌,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi.Three-dimensional spatial structure of the macro-pores and flow simulation in anthracite coal based on X-ray mu-CT scanning data,2020,卷: 17期: 5页: 1221-1236
- Shu, Yong,sangshuxun,Lin, Yuxiang,Zheng, Huiming.Natural Gas Accumulation Characteristics in the Linxing Area, Ordos Basin, NW China: Revealed from the Integrated Study of Fluid Inclusions and Basin Modeling,2020,卷: 2020
- sangshuxun,Perry,Liu Shiqi,caoliwen,zhushuyun,Harrsion Huang,Wamg, Ran,Ashutosh, Tripathy,hansijie.Research advances in theory and technology of the stress release applied extraction of coalbed methane from tectonically deformed coals,2020,v 45,n 7,p2531-2543
- sangshuxun,Perry,Liu Shiqi,王海文,caoliwen,刘会虎,李自成,zhushuyun,刘长江,Harrsion Huang,徐宏杰,wangran,贾金龙,ASHUTOSH Tripathy,hansijie.应力释放构造煤煤层气开发理论与关键技术研究进展,2020,2020年07期:,13
- Du, Yi,Fu, Changqing,Pan, Zhejun,sangshuxun,wangwenfeng,Liu Shiqi,Zhao, Yongchun,Zhang, Junying.Geochemistry effects of supercritical CO2 and H2O on the mesopore and macropore structures of high-rank coal from the Qinshui Basin, China,2020,v 223,
- Hou, Zhongshuai,Chen, Shiyue,sangshuxun,Lin, Huixi,Lou, Da.Geochemical characteristics of Upper Paleozoic mudstone in BohaiBay Basin,2020,v 45,n 4,p1457-1472
- 方辉煌,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi.A Methodology for Characterizing the Multiscale Pores and Fractures in Anthracite and Semi-Anthracite Coals and Its Application in Analysis of the Storage and Permeable Capacity of Coalbed Methane,2020,卷: 23期: 1页: 177-186
- Liu, Changjiang,sangshuxun,Fan, Xianfeng,张堃,Song, Fan,Cui, Xinrui,Wang, Haiwen.Influences of pressures and temperatures on pore structures of different rank coals during CO2 geological storage process,2020,v 259,
- Xu, Hongjie,Fang, Zezhong,sangshuxun,Liu, Huihu,Ding, Hai,Dou, Xinzhao,Liu, Qinjie.Analysis of the shear failure of surface methane capture boreholes for improving the drainage period efficiency: A lithological perspective,2020,v 38,n 1,p92-110