Paper Publications
- Zhu, Chenhong,王建国,sangshuxun,liangwei.A multiscale neural network model for the prediction on the equivalent permeability of discrete fracture network,2023,卷: 220子辑: B
- 高德燚,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi,吴见,耿济世,汪涛,孙腾民.Experimental study on the deformation behaviour, energy evolution law and failure mechanism of tectonic coal subjected to cyclic loads,2022,v 32,n 6,p1301-1313
- sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi,JACK,zhu qianlin,wangmeng,hansijie,liutong,zhengsijian.工程化CCUS全流程技术及其进展,2022,2022年05期:711-725+733,16
- 方辉煌,sangshuxun,Liu Shiqi,刘会虎,徐宏杰,黄艳辉.Determination of representative elementary volume of digital coal based on fractal theory with X-ray CT data and its application in fractal permeability predication model,2022
- Zhao, Fuping,sangshuxun,hansijie,Wu, Zhangli,Zhang, Jinchao,Xiang, Wenxin,Xu, Ang.Characteristics and Origins of the Difference between the Middle and High Rank Coal in Guizhou and Their Implication for the CBM Exploration and Development Strategy: A Case Study from Dahebian and Dafang Block,2022,卷: 15期: 9
- sangshuxun,Niu, Qinghe,caoliwen,Wang, Wei.Mechanical Response Characteristics and Mechanism of Coal-Rock with CO2 Injection in Deep Coal Seam: A Review,2022,v 47,n 5,p1849-1864
- sangshuxun,袁亮,Liu Shiqi,hansijie,zhengsijian,liutong,Perry,wangran.碳中和地质技术及其煤炭低碳化应用前瞻,2022,2022年04期:1430-1451,22
- sangshuxun,Perry,Liu Shiqi,Harrsion Huang,wangran,hansijie,王建国,pandongming,zhangzhizhen,wangjilin,chentongjun,赵立明,zhengsijian.A review of mechanical stratigraphy methodology and its application in high-efficient exploration and development of coal measure gas,2022,v 96,n 1,p304-316
- sangshuxun,Perry,Liu Shiqi,Harrsion Huang,wangran,hansijie,王建国,pandongming,zhangzhizhen,wangjilin,chentongjun,赵立明,zhengsijian.岩石力学地层理论方法及其煤系气高效勘探开发应用基础述评,2022,2022年01期:304-316,13
- sangshuxun,hansijie,Liu Shiqi,Perry,李梦溪,胡嘉秋,张聪.高煤阶煤层气富集机理的深化研究,2021