Paper Publications
- Zhou, Shijie,杨洋,陈辉,凌意瀚.In situ exsolved Co-Fe nanoparticles on the Ruddlesden-Popper-type symmetric electrodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells,2020,卷: 46期: 11页: 18331-18338子辑: A
- Zhou, Shijie,杨杨,陈辉,凌意瀚.In situ exsolved Co–Fe nanoparticles on the Ruddlesden-Popper-type symmetric electrodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells,2020,v 46,n 11,p18331-18338
- lingyihan,杨洋,niujinan,张平.新工科背景下的材料科学基础课程案例教学模式思考,2020,2020年24期:,2
- Song, Wenchao,Ma, Zhenkai,杨杨,张生辉,欧雪梅,凌意瀚.Characterization and polarization DRT analysis of direct ethanol solid oxide fuel cells using low fuel partial pressures,2020,v 45,n 28,p14480-14490
- lingyihan,朱文武,niujinan,张平.新工科建设背景下“材料科学基础”课程案例教学模式设计与创新,2020,2020年20期:,3
- Wu, Yujie,yangyang,Zhou, Shijie,Zhu, Wenwu,Song, Wenchao,Bao, Hang,chenhui,Ou, Xuemei,Khan, Majid,lingyihan.Enhanced redox-stable Sm0.5Sr0.5FeO3-δ electrode material for symmetric solid oxide fuel cells at reduced temperatures,2020,v 46,n 5,p6714-6722
- Wu, Yujie,Li, Kangyong,yangyang,Song, Wenchao,Ma, Zhenkai,chenhui,Ou, Xuemei,赵玲,Khan, Majid,lingyihan.Investigation of Fe-substituted in BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-δ proton conducting oxides as cathode materials for protonic ceramics fuel cells,2020,v 814,
- Guo, Yangyang,Guo, Tianmin,Zhou, Shijie,Wu, Yujie,陈辉,Ou, Xuemei,凌意瀚.Characterization of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-δ -Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95 symmetrical electrode for reversible solid oxide cells,2019,v 45,n 8,p10969-10975
- Ma, Zhenkai,Song, Zhi,wangxinxin,ouxuemei,zhengkeqing,guolitong,Peizhong FENG,wangshaorong,周福宝,lingyihan.Numerical Study on the Electron-Blocking Mechanism of Ceria-Related Composite Electrolytes Considering Mixed Conductivities of Free Electron, Oxygen Ion, and Proton,2019,v 2,n 5,p3142-3150
- Ma, Zhenkai,Song, Zhi,wangxinxin,ouxuemei,zhengkeqing,guolitong,Peizhong FENG,wangshaorong,周福宝,lingyihan.Numerical Study on the Electron-Blocking Mechanism of Ceria-Related Composite Electrolytes Considering Mixed Conductivities of Free Electron, Oxygen Ion, and Proton,2019,v 2,n 5,p3142-3150
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