Evaluation of industrial performance of a new three phase fluidized bed flotation column-Based on product size characterization
- 发布时间:2024-08-27
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- 发表刊物:Fuel
- 关键字:Fluidized bed Flotation Class Particles Industrial experiments
- 摘要:There are still a large number of minerals processed by flotation every year, so it is extremely important to improve the flotation efficiency in industrial production. This study established an experimental test platform for new three-phase fluidized bed flotation column (TFC). The effects of different operating conditions and equipment parameters (apparent gas velocity, apparent liquid velocity, and filling height) on separation effect of coal slime were investigated. Relationship between turbulence intensity inside TFC and the flotation effect of coal slime with different particle sizes was analyzed. Results show that turbulence intensity in fluidized environment can be influenced by adjusting operating conditions to increase the probability of adhesion and collision of finegrained particles with air bubbles. Differences of particle size distribution in the radial and axial directions of TFC are influenced by settling velocity. Increasing circulation volume can increase residence time of particles in flotation process. Micro and nano bubbles have excellent characteristics which are beneficial to particle collision and adhesion. By adjusting the parameters, it can meet needs of mineral separation and mineralization environment and realize effective recovery of slime with different particle sizes. This study was conducted by analyzing the flotation of fine particles by TFC during industrial platform testing. By evaluating the industrial performance of TFC, it provides a reference for future industrial large-scale applications.
- 论文类型:期刊论文
- 学科门类:工学
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2024-06-27
- 收录刊物:SCI