- [41] 李富民.腐蚀钢绞线预应力混凝土梁的受弯性能试验研究,2010
- [42] 李富民.氯盐腐蚀钢绞线的受拉性能退化特征,2009
- [43] 李富民.氯盐腐蚀钢绞线的断裂抗力分布模型,2009
- [44] 李富民.混凝土中钢筋腐蚀速率的基本理论模型,2009
- [45] 李富民.Study on design methods of crack control for large concrete structures with over-long and over-wide size,2009
- [46] 李富民.Fracture behavior of steel strands corroded in concrete contaminated with salt,2008
- [47] 李富民.混凝土中钢筋腐蚀的动力学行为,2008
- [48] 李富民.预应力钢绞线的腐蚀材料学特性,2008
- [49] 李富民.Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of steel strands in concrete contaminating salt,2008
- [50] 李富民.Corrosion characteristics of prestressing steel strands in concrete corroded by chloride attack,2008
- 教授
硕士生导师 - 教师英文名称:Li Fumin
- 教师拼音名称:lifumin
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:力学与土木工程学院
- 联系方式:微信:Mr-306433313
- 学位:博士
- 职称:教授