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Awards and Honours
Release time:2023-09-01 Hits:Title of Achievement:露天矿高寒环境下带式输送机巡检机器人研究与应用
Affiliation of Participants:机电工程学院
Order of Affiliations of Authors:1
Granted by:中国煤炭工业协会,中国煤炭学会
Code of Certificate:2020-381-D01
Supported by:企事业单位委托科技项目【已废弃】
Note:李艾民 孟德远 唐超权 陈 飞杨晓东 杨孝新 肖 鹿 温冬阳黄志建
Level of Award:行业协会
Grade of Award:Third prize
Type of Award:社会科技奖励
Date of Award:2020-12-15
Primary Participant:liaimin
Co-author:mengdeyuan,Chaoquan Tang,chenfei,杨晓东,杨孝新,肖 鹿,温冬阳,黄志建
Pre One:2023年度中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖