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Paper Publications
huangyanhua,Young,董晋鹏.Experimental study on fracture behaviour of three-flawed sandstone specimens after high-temperature treatments,2020,v 43,n 10,p2214-2231
huangyanhua,Young,卜宜顺.Effect of thermal shock on the strength and fracture behavior of pre-flawed granite specimens under uniaxial compression,2020
huangyanhua,Young,Hall, Matthew R..Fracture and strain field evolution in faulted brine-saturated sandstone,2020,v 48,n 2,
huangyanhua,Young,liwenping,Hall, Matthew R..Influence of Super-Critical CO2 on the Strength and Fracture Behavior of Brine-Saturated Sandstone Specimens,2020,v 53,n 2,p653-670
huangyanhua,Young,tianwenling.Cracking process of a granite specimen that contains multiple pre-existing holes under uniaxial compression,2019,v 42,n 6,p1341-1356
huangyanhua,Young.Mechanical and cracking behavior of granite containing two coplanar flaws under conventional triaxial compression,2019,v 28,n 4,p590-610
huangyanhua,Young.Mechanical and acoustic behaviors of brine-saturated sandstone at elevated temperature,2019,v 17,n 2,p215-225
huangyanhua,Young,tianwenling.Crack coalescence behavior of sandstone specimen containing two pre-existing flaws under different confining pressures,2019,v 99,p118-130
huangyanhua,Young.Experimental study on uniaxial mechanical properties and crack propagation in sandstone containing a single oval cavity,2018