• 中文

Du Xueping   Associate professor

Xueping Du is an associate professor in the School of Low-carbon Energy and Power Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in power engineering and engineering thermophysics from Xi’an Jiaotong University. His main research interests are enhanced flow and heat transfer, novel heat exchangers, numerical heat transfer, waste heat utilization, natural g...Detials


Release time:2024-04-07  Hits:

  • Affiliation of Participant(s):机电工程学院
  • Leading Scientist:Huang Di
  • Supported by:中国矿业大学
  • Classification of Project:国家重点研发计划-子课题
  • Type of Project:应用研究
  • Project level:National
  • Project Participants:zhaojiyun,Du Xueping,董浩浩,王文强,杨鹏程,唐明国,施迪,泮延召
  • Project Number:2024-14014
  • Date of Project Approval:2023-12-18
  • Scheduled completion time:2026-11-30
  • Date of Project Initiation:2023-12-01
  • Project Approval Number:2023YFB3406702