Paper Publications
- Dong, Fang,Yin, Jiyao,Xiang, Jirubin,Chang, Zhangyu,gutiantian,Han, Feihu.EWM-FCE-ODM-Based Evaluation of Smart Community Construction: From the Perspective of Residents' Sense of Gain,2023,卷: 15期: 8
- gutiantian,李杨,戴雅楠.高校BIM技术实践教学应用的困境及对策,2023
- 刘璐瑶,李灵芝,gutiantian.国内外养老设施绩效管理研究进展与对比分析,2022,:303-323,21
- Peng Cui,Yi Liu,Xuan Ju,gutiantian.Key Influencing Factors and Optimization Strategy of Epidemic Resilience in Urban Communities—A Case Study of Nanjing, China,2022
- gutiantian,郝恩扬,马岚,刘旭,wanglinxiu.Exploring the Determinants of Residents’ Behavior towards Participating in the Sponge-Style Old Community Renewal of China: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior,2022,11(8), 1160
- 李德智,蒋英,gutiantian.江苏省房地产业发展现状及趋势展望,2020,:4-7,4
- gutiantian,李德智,杨茜,蒋英.基于NRS-BP模型的商品住宅需求预测研究,2020
- Zhu, Shiyao,Li, Dezhi,Feng, Haibo,gutiantian,Hewage, Kasun,Sadiq, Rehan.Smart city and resilient city: Differences and connections,2020,卷: 10期: 6
- gutiantian,李德智,李灵芝.The Elderly ’ s Demand for Community-Based Care Services and Its Determinants : A Comparison of the Elderly in the Affordable Housing Community and Commercial Housing Community of China,2020
- gutiantian,李德智,李灵芝.The Elderly's Demand for Community-Based Care Services and Its Determinants: A Comparison of the Elderly in the Affordable Housing Community and Commercial Housing Community of China,2020,卷: 2020