Pullout failure process of bolt by ABAQUS
Three kinds of bonding materials were exploited to bond rock bolt, they were: Fasloc – the bolt resin by DSI Underground, the concrete bond based on C20/25 cement and Verpensin organic mineral glue provide by DSI Underground. Numerical models were established based on Fasloc bonded specimen to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the three bond types.
Model's parameters are listed in the figure below,
The results is shown by the video below, as can be seen, damage occurs at a place close to the collar, from where the debonding generates and extends to the far end, the peak stress (blue colored) exists at a place nearby the collar and then expands its field far away to the end.
There also have many other results, and they were presented in the conference, the experimental session was finished at AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, detailed authors contributions are:
Piotr Małkowski: Idea proposition & guidance
Xiaowei Feng*: Paper writing & presentation
Zbigniew Niedbalski: Experimental session & data analysis
Mateusz Żelichowski: Experimental session & data analysis
Xiaotian Feng: Numerical simulation
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
China University of Mining and Technology, China
KGHM Polska Miedz SA, Rudna mine, Poland
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China
Ref: DSI: Specialist Chemical and Mineral Products for underground Applications, https://www.dsiunderground.com/