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Paper Publications
董勇鹏,fanshengjun.一般时间终端一致连续多维BSDE 解的稳定性,2018,23;1;
fanshengjun.Minimal and maximal bounded solutions for quadratic BSDEs with stochastic conditions,2017,54;6;2065-2079
肖立顺,fanshengjun.A representation theorem for generators of BSDEs with general growth generators in y and its applications,2017,129;1;297-305
fanshengjun.Existence, uniqueness and approximation for Lp solutions of reflected BSDEs with generators of one-sided Osgood type,2017,33;6;807-838
肖立顺,fanshengjun.General time interval BSDE under the weak monotonicity conditions and nonlinear decomposition for general g-supermartingales,2017,89;5;786-816
廖俊侠,fanshengjun.Lp solutions for one-dimensional BSDEs with weakly monotonic and uniformly continuous generators,2016,6;6;77-87
fanshengjun.Bounded solutions, Lp (p>1) solutions and L1 solutions for one-dimensional BSDEs under general assumptions,2016,126;1;1511–1552
马娇娇,fanshengjun.On the stability theorem for Lp solutions of multidimensional BSDEs with uniform continuity generators in z,2016,30;2;321-344
fanshengjun.Existence of solutions to one-dimensional BSDEs with semi-linear growth and general growth generators,2016,109;1;7-15
fanshengjun.Lp solutions of multidimensional BSDEs with weak monotonicity and general growth generators,2015,432;1;156-178