[21] 程玉虎.一种多样性保持的分布估计算法,2010
[22] 程玉虎.A bayesian reinforcement learning algorithm based on abstract states for elevator group scheduling systems,2010
[23] 程玉虎.Reinforcement learning method based on semi-parametric regression model,2010
[24] 程玉虎.基于径向基统计网络的数据流分析模型,2010
[25] 程玉虎.基于概率型支持向量机的Q学习,2010
[26] 程玉虎.Actor-Critic learning based on adaptive importance sampling,2010
[27] 程玉虎.A fuzzy control system for path following of mobile robots,2009
[28] 程玉虎.基于自组织模糊RBF网络的连续空间Q学习,2008
[29] 程玉虎.A study of constructive fuzzy normalized RBF neural networks,2007
[30] 程玉虎.自适应T-S型模糊径向基函数网络,2007