Paper Publications
- liuhai,wangqing,dingyi,李宏伟,wangmeng,王浩然,Deqiang Cheng.Concurrent measurements of temperature and magnetic-field based on the combined use of modal interference and directional coupling in photonic crystal fiber,2019,v 179,p62-70
- 申帅,qianjiansheng,Deqiang Cheng,Yang, Kun,zhangguopeng.A Sum-Utility Maximization Approach for Fairness Resource Allocation in Wireless Powered Body Area Networks,2019,v 7,p20014-20022
- liuhai,Deqiang Cheng.Concurrent measurements of temperature and magnetic-field based on the combined use of modal interference and directional coupling in photonic crystal fiber,2018,179;1;62-70
- Deqiang Cheng.核稀疏表示和原子相关度的图像重建,2018,23;9;
- Deqiang Cheng.改进的HOG‐CLBC 的行人检测方法,2018,8;45;
- zhangsheng,Deqiang Cheng.Compact balanced bandpass filter with the fractal defected structures,2018,15;15;
- Deqiang Cheng.边缘融合的多字典超分辨率图像重建算法,2018,43;7;
- Deqiang Cheng.基于显著性的无参考模糊图像质量评价,2018,42;7;
- 赵凯,Deqiang Cheng.Real-time moving pedestrian detection using contour features,2018,77;23;
- Deqiang Cheng.基于时域加权处理的MPEG视频质量评价方法,2018,55;8;
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